Bonus program "Wallet"

Съобщение – от 01.11.2022г. процентът, който се натрупва в дигиталния портфейл е 0%. Всички натрупани бонуси от месец октомври 2022-ра г. ще могат да се използват през ноември 2022-ра.


❖ Wallet - each registered user can accumulate bonuses in his virtual personal wallet, as the amount of bonuses is formed by certain percentages of the basket value of made orders, which accumulate as discounts. The exact percentages of the bonuses are determined by the Merchant.

The accumulated bonuses can be used only for deduction from the value of an order and their BGN equivalent is not subject to payment by the Merchant in another form.

❖ Usage of Bonuses - The accumulated discounts in the user's wallet can be used by reducing the value of the basket, and if there is still a remaining amount after the deduction the user chooses the payment method (in cash or by card). If the bonus / discount is sufficient after deducting it, it can fully cover the value of the order.

❖ За артикули с промо цена не се начислява бонус.
❖ Отстъпки на кошницата (отстъпка за тип поръчка или промо код) не пречат на натрупването на бонус.


С всяка поръчка трупате бонуси към вашия портфейл в размер на примерно 7% от стойността на Кошницата. При поръчка със сума по Кошница 35.00 лв печелите 2.45 лв. Бонусите натрупани за текущия месец са на ваше разположение през следващия месец за заплащане на част от или на цялата сума по ваши поръчки.


1.1. The bonus program is active and valid for all individuals who order through the official website of the Merchant and place orders through an already created account in the Merchant's system.

1.2. The bonus program is valid only when ordering through the official website of the Merchant CANELLA 2011 - Ltd. It is available only for registered users who place orders through an already created account


2.1. Accrual of the bonus

2.1.1. Based on the value of the orders made for each calendar month through the official website of the Merchant, each customer earns bonuses, which are accumulated as a percentage of each order and available in the User's Virtual Wallet.

2.1.2. Бонусите, които клиента получава от поръчки през официалната интернет страница на Търговеца за календарен месец са следните са в размер на 40 % от стойността на кошницата с продукти на всяка поръчка.

2.2. Use of the bonus and validity

2.2.1. Bonuses accumulated for the current month are available to the User in the next month for deduction as a discount and payment of part or all of the amount of orders, and the value of the order may include the delivery price.

2.2.2. The bonus can be used if the value of the order is lower than the value of the generated bonus, it can fully cover the value of the order, and the available balance of the bonus can be used for the next order.

2.2.3. If the value of the order is more than the available bonus, there may be a surcharge with a chosen method of payment by the user.

2.2.4. The bonus is valid for one month - the next calendar month after the month in which the customer has placed the respective orders. After the end of the calendar month, the accumulated bonus is canceled and is not transferred to the next month.

The user has the opportunity to start accumulating new bonuses, which are subject to use within the next calendar month.

2.2.5. The accumulated value of the bonus for a given calendar month is not subject to payment in the form of its BGN equivalent in cash, by bank transfer or in any other way. The bonus is used only as a discount on products purchased through the Merchant's website. Bonuses are personal, cannot be transferred or exchanged and have no cash equivalent

2.2.6. If an order is canceled, if the bonus from the wallet is used, it is returned to the wallet for the current month and for the next use.


3.1. The Merchant has the irrevocable right to terminate the bonus program at any time, announcing this in case it finds abuse, mass violation of the rules, as well as in case of force majeure or other objective reasons. In these cases, the Users are not due compensation or payment of the accumulated value of the bonuses before the termination of the program.


4.1. The Merchant's customers ordering through this website are obliged to comply with the terms and conditions of the rules of the bonus program described above, called the Official Rules of the Bonus Program "Portfolio".

4.2. The Merchant reserves the right to change or supplement the official rules of the bonus program, as the changes come into force after their preliminary publication on the Merchant's website.

4.3. With each order on the official website of the Merchant, customers are bound by the above-described Official Rules and agree to abide by their terms.


5.1 Disputes between the Merchant and customers benefiting from the bonus program shall be resolved in accordance with these rules, as well as by mutual agreement. If it is impossible to achieve such, the dispute shall be resolved by the competent courts in the Republic of Bulgaria